Friday, June 26, 2009

Just WHAT?!? to do with that fabric!

Have you ever spent time looking at a fabric and waiting for it to speak to you?  To tell you what is wants to be when you are completed?  I find myself with too many beautiful fabric choices, and limited set of skills to really create what I want.

For example.  I had tons of these fabric scraps in coordinated color palates.  Most were leftover samples from manufacturers that I no longer needed.  I really racked me brain trying to come up the the "right project".  As per usual, I made a mess out of my vision and decided to list them at Fabric Flair instead. 

Here's the first set I listed:

And Tracy, a fantastically creative Etsy shop owner of Tracy Designs snatched them right up.  I could hardly believe my eyes when she shared pictures of her creation.  A funky cool, beautiful creation that is so much more than I ever thought could be done with my measly little scraps.


Tracy tells me that she liked this so much she is keeping it for herself, but she also ordered about 7 more scrap sets from me, 

so I am anxiously awaiting her latest creations!
In the meantime, have a look at this item and other items from TracyDesigns.

I have been working on something similar in the Pear palate of this same Joel Dewberry Collection.  Of course, mine doesn't compare to Tracy's fantastic craftsmanship and design!  Beautiful work Tracy!